Learning At Home
Welcome to our Learning At Home Area
Remote Learning Policy
We will post here any useful resources that get updated daily.
BBC Bitesize to launch a daily set of lessons for every year group. The BBC Bitesize daily lesson bank is a resource that Shadsworth Infant School will be promoting. These activities can serve as daily learning opportunities for our children. So, please have a read and keep your eyes peeled for further information from Monday 20th April 2020
Government guidance on home education and a list of online education resources for home education On Tuesday 7th April 2020, the Government posted an updated list of amazing, and currently free online resources to be used alongside the school's Home Learning Grids. We have sign posted a lot of these already but here they all are in an easily accessible way.
Amazon Audible Free Amazon have made all children's books free to access for children to listen to while off school
Carol Voderman Maths This amazing resource has been made free during this difficult time. Simply sign up with your email address for access to loads of printable worksheets and fun maths activities
Here are also links to lists of many other resources that you can access with your children.
- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3au4tQ44f37Y8tFCWwGNBBMsEMUNUO7-
- https://lookaside.fbsbx.com/file/Homelearning%20websites%20editable.pdf?token=AWwb6Mw4kiqNGsi9VmWA5Mdln_JJ1PvMsShjaeAPeaOKocK08fgPMd1iRCRmHVm0ur7tVVkR1Bxyo4CLA3TAxKaL6lEp3iJfAS8_ZS-XAq2viqEvy_S1N0anQdcOvezxcwdGzh136P_0vbAA6edF6n5FzxlWsUNBpkL9JJQbLqMuFXibSXTc5BLXaFhD50qFpiI2WCHgZUUc0eGdrCV-OCJ9
- https://lookaside.fbsbx.com/file/free%20educational%20sites.pdf?token=AWxhReGilDG84bXCTTF0vcrxFRkug6uH7OJe7PAFGEamC0kJ5W5EAU6CJskigYA9_65L7gL41FfedJOCENkNC_1xw-Snr5ZKLtXCaQsxEheSOKRffYUnbhQU1k2W1XGPL04O-RLHulnpPkntyITlCRIDHTBys2wKGUTJKrhwDnzXw2NoAiuhSLGgCi7BbLv8RlVrUG90Q-hABvCZHRBhHVYS
Curriculum Resources
- If you have contacted the school for your child's Education City Log In, here are the steps you need to log in and access work for every school curriculum area. In the web address bar please type https://ec1.educationcity.com/
- Register for Teach Your Monster To Read with your own email address and continue the reading adventure.
- Register for Oxford Owl for Home using your own email address so that you can access over 100 free e-Books.