Spring 1
Welcome to Reception! On this page you can find some useful information about our class work in Phonics and Literacy, Maths and our Topics for each half term. We may also share pictures and news from other areas of learning and development across our EYFS curriculum. You will see below 'Star Folders' which will provide more detailed information on individual areas of learning, with links to support you and your child with their learning at home.
This half-term, in Literacy we will be focusing on the book, 'Let's all creep through crocodile creek' by Jonathan Lambert. Also 'Little Red Riding Hood' by Mara Alperin.
We will also look at a variety of other books during our Topic time about a range of topics including explorers from across the years and transport including how it's changed over time.
In maths, the children will build on their knowledge around numbers from 5 to 10 by delving into numbers 6-10 and learning how to recognise and write the numerals, alongside finding any different ways to represent the numbers using physical resources or drawings.. We will also be continuing to explore measurement as we look at the mass and capacity of different containers. This will be built into the children's continuous provision so they can extend their learning through their structured play.
Our Current Topic for Spring 1 is, ‘Journey's’
Our afternoons will be filled with art, design, PSHE, RE, PE and music - wherever possible, it will link to our two curriculum texts '’The Great Explorer’, 'The Naughty Bus' and 'Transportation - Past and Present' whereby the children will explore modes of transport that we see and can use nowadays, but also look at vehicles from the past, how they were used and how they changed. The story of 'The Naughty Bus' is a fun way to look at one of London's most famous modes of transport and in 'The Great Explorer' we will begin to understand the job of an explorer and how they get around on their expeditions both now and in the past, looking at choosing appropriate methods of transport for a journey.
We are excited to show you what we have learnt and created!
Thank you, Miss Barnes and Mrs Mason